Hartz Dog Toys

Posted on January 8, 2011


According to Gus, Oh My Dog! blog made his holiday season extra special.

November and December were lucky months for us.  Not only did we win a Gus portrait ornament and cute pink skull and spoiled charms, we also won 2 Hartz toys from Oh My Dog!.  The package arrived a few days before Christmas, just in time for us to get them wrapped and under the tree.  As expected, he LOVED them!

Notice in the first couple of photos Gus appears completely unaware of the actual present. At first, all he wanted to do was munch on the wrapping paper. We were beginning to feel like the parents who gave their child a shiny new toy and all they wanted to do was play with the box.

I took the following photos a couple of days ago.  As usual, he was not thrilled with all the posing and just wanted to play!

Check out the similarity in the next photo!  Gus already had a duck named “Hedwig” and his new duck is almost the exact same!  Due to their likeness (we thought he might get confused), we also named the new duck, Hedwig and plan to retire “old” Hedwig.  We tested his word knowledge and asked him to “go get Hedwig”.  He brought back the new duck, so they must be similar enough that he can’t tell the difference.  Interesting.

Along with Raccoon, this Animal Planet Dog House was Gus’s other present from M and me.  It was another Bed Bath and Beyond purchase (with coupon, of course) and we couldn’t pass it up.  It folds for easy storage and is so cute!  He already likes hanging out in there…his toys enjoy it too.

In case I didn’t post enough photos (sorry, bit of an overload on this post), here are a couple of videos so you can see his new toys in action.  Warning, ferocious dog growling in the 2nd video.

Thank you so much, Oh My Dog!  Our whole family had a blast watching Gus open his gifts and whip around his new toys.  Since Gus was so lucky this holiday season, we have several toys we plan to launder and donate to the Animal Defense League.  The gently-used toys are used for the rescued doggers to play with.  It’s a great way for Gus to give back and help doggers in need!

As a side note, we urge you to check with your local shelters on items they need.  The Animal Defense League (no-kill shelter in San Antonio) has many items on their “wish list” that are so easy to donate.  Strip-shredded paper, newspaper, bath towels, gently-used toys, etc…  It’s a great way to reuse items and help minimize shelter expense.

Hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend!  We’re participating in The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop.  Click the icon below for a list of participating blogs and hop on over and say hello!

Posted in: Dog Blog, Play