Happy Birthday, Gus!

Posted on March 7, 2011


Today is Gus’s sixth birthday!  We can’t believe another year has come and gone.  As impossible as it seems, we love him more and more with each passing day.  He is truly the light of our lives.  Cheesy?  Yes.  True?  Absolutely.

I must keep today’s post short and sweet.  Unfortunately, our weekend took a turn for the worst Saturday afternoon.  M’s ongoing virus turned into a very large abscess on his tonsil and we ended up in the emergency room yesterday.  I will spare you all the gory details and instead use this space to profess our deep gratitude for Dr. Hatch, the kind ENT doctor on-call yesterday.  He calmed our nerves, gave us great recovery instructions and performed an outpatient surgical procedure.  I’m happy to report that M is healing comfortably.  Thank you, Dr. Hatch!

M is spending the next couple of days at home recovering which is the best birthday present Gus could ask for.  He loves presents and new toys, but above anything else, he loves the time we spend with him.  There is some serious snuggle-time on the schedule for today!

Happy Birthday, Gus!  We love you!


Onto some good news…the lucky winner of the one-year subscription to FIDO Friendly is…Furfilled!  Congratulations!  We will contact the winner via email and send their information along to FIDO Friendly.

Side note:  In the event the winner already subscribes to FIDO Friendly, we will contact the second person listed.


Psst…Our good pal, Buddy, recently celebrated his birthday.  If you have a minute, head on over to his blog and wish him a happy belated birthday.  You can also treat yourself to adorable puppy photos.  Buddy has a new brother named Bear!

Posted in: Dog Blog, Ramble